Swim: The route starts at Ringshaug beach and ends at Surka marina, on Vallø. This is 3800m.
The route is then in one stretch. This is «open water» in saltwater.
Bicycle trail T1, Surka Marina:

Starting in Surka marina and out to the right on Nedre Bogenvei. Then left onto road 115.
Up to roundabouts at Olsrød, where you take to the left. Straight through the traffic lights, Presterød, remember that traffic rules apply. You are now on the RV311. Down the hill to Kilen, then straight through two roundabouts and right at the third. Now you are in Halfdan Wilhelmsens Allé. At the Heimdal junction roundabout, turn left, you are now in Slagenveien. On top of the hill in Slagenveien turn to the left in Larviksgata, follow this until you come to Wilhelm Wilhelmsens vei (4th crossing).
So past Tønsberg Svømmehall, then left. You are now in Stoltenbergs gate, RV325. Cycle straight through the traffic lights, you are now on the RV308. Remember that traffic rules apply here as well. Further, you cross the bridge, then go straight through the first roundabout on Nøtterøy. Here the road continues toward Borgheim.

Straight ahead and on to Kjøpmannskjær, over the Vrengen bridge, towards the turn at VERDENS ENDE. You are now on the way back, now must be taken right toward Ormelet, further down to Sandøsund, turn on Sandøsund boat harbor. On the way back, towards BORGHEIM and Tønsberg center again.
To Tønsberg city center and through the traffic lights, Stoltenbergs gate, RV 325. Straight through the traffic lights into Farmannsveien.
Through 2 roundabouts and to Semslinna, RV 300, up to Semsbyen, left, so through Semsbyen, then right, towards Anholt, into Askehaugveien and further into Daleveien. (This is on the same stretch, about 1 km after). So to Holmen, left into Horntvedtveien, right at Toverud and left at Gjein, you are now on Kodalveien, RV 305.
To the right in KODAL center, towards Svartrød, further towards Trollsås, Pipenholt and Åsrum. So right at Sundet bridge, around Åsrumvannet, then we are on RV 304.
At the junction at Holm it’s straight onto Hedrumsveien, past Hvarnes church. Onto RV 306, Hvarnes, up to the right, Holtebygdveien, past SOLBERGVANN and Bølevann, down to Einarsrød, Dalsroveien to Nes. Then left on Nesveien (still RV306), towards Høyjord, down Høyjord road, Heimdal, to Kjønnerød. Then you get to Askjer, then right onto RAMNESVEIEN, past RAMNES CHURCH, towards Jarberg, down to Semsbyen, across the new E-18, on the bike path, Aulerødkrysset.
To the left along the old E-18, under the E-18, past Nauen, up to Gullikrysset. So the bike path over the E-18, over to Gulli onto RV650. So across the railway via RV 540, up to Hortensveien. Further on to the Tønsberg Fairground and onto the Maier Arena. Then you are in T2. T2 will be on the east side of Maier Arena, between there and Exhibition Hall A.

Statue av Fred Anton Maier, f.15.12.1938-d.09.06.2015..
OL-gull 5000m i 1968
OL-Sølv 5000 m i 1964
OL-Sølv 10 000m i 1964 og 1968
Europamester og Verdensmester i 1968, 9 mesterskapsmedaljer, enkeltdistanser, i VM.
8 mesterskapsmedaljer, enkletdistanser, i EM
Innehatt 11 verdensrekorder
Egebergs Ærespris 1967
Oscarstatuetten 1968
Årets Idrettsmann 1968
Århundrets idrettsmann i Vestfold 1900-1999
3 Norske Mesterskap i 100km sykkel.
The running trail runs from T2, past the MESSEHUSET, goes around this and up to the Maier Arena. Now, you run on the west side of the Maier Arena. Then from Tønsberg Fairground, left and along the bike path, the UNDERPASS at Kjelle, so further towards the underpass at BARKÅKER. Go across RV117, under Hortensveien RV325, up to the junction Robergveien/Hortensveien, here there is approximately 1 km to THE TURN. Then back. Under Hortensveien, follow the dirt road, approximately 1100m. Then right onto the footpath, ca. 600m, then right onto campus, and the paved bike path. Past and along the Tredjedammen, under Hortensveien, and along the Andredammen, up to the MESSEHUSET, further up to the Maier Arena, and onto the bike path towards Barkåker, for round no. 2. After 3 rounds, the run is completed. The finish is at the MESSEHUSET.
There will be food stations both along the cycling and the running trails. Accompanying vehicles are not allowed, neither is in any way help from outsiders along the trail.
HIGHLIGHTED TEXT: Food stations.